Posts by category: Agricultural Science

What crops is the herbicide Paraquat used on?

Paraquat is a widely-used herbicide for controlling weeds in crops. It is commonly used on rice, maize, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, and wheat. Paraquat is a non-selective herbicide, meaning it kills all plants, not just weeds. It is applied to the soil and quickly absorbed by the roots, thus killing the entire plant quickly. Paraquat is a powerful and effective herbicide, but it must be used with caution due to its potential toxicity to humans and animals. When used correctly, it can be a very effective tool for controlling weeds and promoting healthy crop yields.

  • Apr, 18 2023


What is agricultural biology in agriculture?

Agricultural biology is an important branch of science that studies the growth, production, and development of plants and animals used in agriculture. It focuses on understanding the mechanisms and processes that drive the production of food and other agricultural products. Agricultural biologists use their knowledge of genetics, physiology, ecology, and other areas of biology to help farmers and other agricultural professionals maximize their yields and profits. Agricultural biology also helps to ensure that crops and livestock are healthy and of high quality.

  • Apr, 6 2023


Why are weeds so hardy compared to food crops?

Weeds are incredibly resilient and hardy compared to food crops, and have been a challenge for farmers for centuries. They have adapted to many forms of human intervention, from herbicides to tilling, making them difficult to eradicate. Weeds have also become resistant to many pest species, and their deep root systems can survive in extreme conditions. They can also outcompete food crops for resources like water, light, and nutrients. For these reasons, weeds are a constant struggle for farmers and can be nearly impossible to eradicate.

  • Mar, 27 2023


What is agricultural biology in agriculture?

Agricultural biology is the study of the interactions between plants, animals, and the environment in agricultural systems. It is a branch of biology that focuses on understanding how to optimize the production of food, fiber, and other products through the natural processes of living organisms. Agricultural biologists often examine the effects of soil, water, and climate on crop health, growth, and yield, as well as the genetic manipulation of plants and animals to increase their productivity. Agricultural biology also includes the study of plant diseases, insect pests, and other environmental hazards that can affect agricultural production.

  • Mar, 16 2023


What is the difference between agronomy and agriculture?

Agronomy and agriculture are closely related sciences that focus on the production of food, fuel, and fiber from the land. While agronomy specifically focuses on the science behind crop production and management, agriculture focuses on the practical application of these principles. Agronomy covers a wide range of topics, including soil science, plant genetics, and ecology, while agriculture is more focused on crop production, pest management, and crop marketing. Both disciplines are essential for the production of food, fuel, and fiber, but in different ways; agronomy provides the scientific principles that form the basis of effective agricultural production, while agriculture applies these principles to crop production.

  • Mar, 14 2023